We inspect roof coverings, drainage systems, flashings, skylights, chimneys, roof penetrations, and signs of leaks or abnormal condensation on building components. We make every effort to walk the roof so long as it is safe to do so. Access to the attic is important to inspect the underside.

Inspection of the exterior of the home, including entryway doors and windows; garage door operators, decks, balconies, and applicable railings; vegetation, grading, driveways, patios, walkways, and retaining walls with respect to their effect on the condition of the building.

We inspect walls, ceilings, paying close attention to fire separation. Access fire door to interior, roll up door and door operator. Check the garage door safety feature to ensure operator will automatically reverse or stop when meeting reasonable resistance during closing.

We inspect visible and accessible walls, ceiling, floors, stairways, balconies, railings, counters, a representative number of installed cabinets, doors and windows and report signs of abnormal or harmful water penetration or signs of abnormal or harmful condensation on building components.

We inspect structural components including foundations, floors, walls, basements, crawl spaces, columns or piers, ceilings and attic when accessible. We probe structural components where deterioration is suspected.

We inspect the interior water supply and distribution system, interior drain, waste, and vent system, hot water systems, fuel storage and distribution systems and sump pumps for flow, pressure, leaks, and connecting supports.

We inspect service entrance conductors and equipment, grounding equipment, main and distribution panels, the operation of a representative number of installed fixtures, switches and receptacles, the polarity and grounding of receptacles, ground fault circuit interrupters, and smoke detectors.

We inspect heating and cooling systems, chimneys, flues, and vents, solid fuel heating devices, air filters, registers, radiators, fan coil units, convectors; and the presence of an installed heat source in each room where readily visible and accessible.

We inspect insulation and vapor retarders in unfinished spaces; ventilation of attics and foundation areas; kitchen, bathroom, and laundry venting systems; and the operation of any readily accessible attic ventilation fan, and thermostatic controls when temperatures permits.

We inspect and operate the basic functions of the following kitchen appliances: Permanently installed dishwasher (normal cycle) range, cook top, and permanently installed oven, trash compactor, garbage disposal, ventilation equipment or range hood, and permanently installed microwave oven.