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Homebuyer Inspections

A Pro Spex Home Inspection is not just a list of problems. It is an opportunity for the buyer to learn as much as they can, so that they can make an informed decision on how best to use the results. For this reason, we highly recommend the buyer attend the inspection.

Termite Inspections

Termite inspections, better referred to as Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) inspections, inspects for a variety of insects that destroy wood, not just termites.

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Radon Testing

Lung cancer kills thousands of Americans every year. Smoking, radon, and secondhand smoke are the leading causes of lung cancer.


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Homeowner Inspections

Set your sales price with confidence, and inspect before they do. Pro Spex provides a variety of inspection services for existing home owners.


Pre Listing Inspection

Know the issues ahead of time, and schedule a pre-listing inspection to avoid costly repairs when others find them. Eliminate big surprises, and set a price with confidence.


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Indoor Air Quality Testing

The average home owner spends 30% of their life in their home, but few know what they are breathing when they go to sleep at night. Testing the indoor air quality can help lead to a healthier family.

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Deck Safety

Decks are subject to the elements 365 days a year. As a deck ages its components begin to deteriorate. Deck failures occur far too often throughout the country. A Deck Safety inspection evaluates each deck using today’s standards as a baseline. 


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Contractor Inspections

Few home owners know what to look for when reviewing contractor work. Many make final payments only to discover problems down the road that a thorough inspection would have uncovered. Every home owner renovation contract should include a 3rd party inspection clause.


Maintenance Inspections

Like an automobile, every home should be subjected to an annual maintenance check. The purpose of this inspection is to help maintain the house and diagnose possible problems before they become a major repair item.

Building New House Frame

Builder's Warranty Inspections

Most builders have a one year warranty on new homes. It is designed to help customers prepare a detailed list of deficiencies to present to their builder before their warranty expires.


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New Construction Inspections

Inspecting a home under construction is critical. With the builder only required to meet minimum standards to pass code, mistakes are often made that go unnoticed. 

Environmental Inspections

Environmental inspections include testing for high levels of Radon, termite infestations, and/or mold growth.

Mold Assessments

Mold assessments attempt to identify, not just visible mold, but conditions conducive to mold by examining ventilation systems, and moisture control. All homes have mold in varying levels and types. Mold becomes a problem when it begins to grow. Mold grows when it finds a constant source of moisture.


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Termite Inspections

Termite inspections, better referred to as Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) inspections, inspects for a variety of insects that destroy wood, not just termites.

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Radon Testing

Section 203(k) program enables homebuyers and homeowners to finance both the purchase (or refinancing) of a house and the cost of its rehabilitation through a single mortgage or to finance the rehabilitation of their existing home.


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203K Consultant Services

If you are buying a home under the FHA 203K program, you will need a renovation consultant to review the contractor proposal before signing, and to supervise the renovation and approve contractor payments.

The Consultant's Role

1) Review contractor estimates

2) Ensure completion of required repairs

3) Ensure scope of work includes FHA/HUD requirements

4) Assist with budgeting

5) Perform initial property inspection

6) Obtain signed lein waivers

7) Request corrections from contractor

Teaming Up with a Consultant

With the amount of moving parts involved in successfully closing a 203k loan on time, the designated 203k Loan Consultant is a key player on your Rehab Loan Team. Client should enter into a formal consultant agreement as soon as possible. The agreement should detail the roles of all parties and how fees are to be determined.

Consultant's Main Responsibilities

1) Initial Consultation

2) Initial Property Inspection/Visit

3) FHA 203(k) Lender Write-Up

4) Prepare Contractor Bid Packages

5) Work Write Up

6) Facilitate Contractor Relationships

​7) Consultant Fees

Rental Inspection Services

Baltimore Rental Inspections

The Baltimore City & County Inspections requires completion of the county issued inspection sheet. On the sheet there are 7 primary areas of concern, all focused on health and safety: Smoke detectors, electrical, water, basement sleeping areas, furnace, stair railings, and other health and safety concerns.

HUD/FHA Certifications

With HUD becoming more strict with their guidelines of having the mortgage companies order and be responsible for the certifications, the mortgage companies need a way to comply with these guidelines. Our goal is to make it easy and painless for them to follow the requirements when you need a certification that has been required by the appraiser.


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